Acupuncture involves using fine needle insertion and manipulation to stimulate certain points in carefully chosen Meridians. The philosophical theory defines health in TCM based on holistically, that is, whole person is a balance system, balance between physical emotional, and spiritual. Furthermore, humans and natural environment are also considered into a system, and disharmony among these systems might cause illness and semi-health (that cannot be defined by using conventional medical examination and laboratory tests). Acupuncture treatment helps strengthening the body’s own defenses and restoring all system’s balances.
Indications for Acupuncture treatment:
Neurological conditions:
such as headaches, migraines,
difficulty sleeping, nervous tension, stroke, some forms of
deafness, facial and inter-costal neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, some
forms of paralysis, sequelae of poliomyelitis, peripheral
neuropathy, noises in the ears, dizziness, and Meniere’s disease.
Cardiovascular disorders:
such as high or low blood pressure, fluid
retention, chest pain, angina pectoris, poor circulation, cold hands and feet,
and muscle cramps.
Respiratory conditions:
such as bronchial asthma, acute and
chronic bronchitis, acute tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, hay
fever, chronic cough, laryngitis, sore throat, influenza and
the common cold.
Digestive system disorders:
such as toothache, post-extraction
pain, gingivitis, mouth ulcers, hiccough, spasms of the
oesophagus, gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastric hyperacidity,
gastritis,heartburn, hiatus hernia syndrome, flatulence, paralytic ileus,
colitis, diarrhoea, constipation, haemorrhoids, liver and gall bladder
disorders, and weight control.
Urogenital disorders:
such as cystitis, prostatitis, orchitis,
low sexual vitality, urinary retention, kidney disorders, nocturnal
enuresis, and neurogenic bladder dysfunction.
Gynaecological and obstetric disorders:
such as premenstrual tension, painful,
heavy or irregular, or the absence of periods, abnormal uterine bleeding or
discharge, hormonal disturbances, disorders associated with menopause, prolapse
of the uterus or bladder, difficulty with conception, and morning
Skin conditions such as eczema,
dermatitis, psoriasis, nerve rash, herpes zoster, acne, scar tissue and
resultant adhesions, hair loss and dandruff.
Eye conditions:
such as visual disorders, red, sore, itchy
or watery eyes, conjunctivitis, simple cataracts, myopia in children,
and central retinitis.
Musculoskeletal disorders:
such as osteoarthritis, sciatica,
lumbago, weak back, low back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, gout,
tenosynovitis, shoulder and neck pain, cervicobrachial syndrome, ‘frozen
shoulder’, and ‘tennis elbow’.
Sporting injuries:
such as sprained ankles and knees,
cartilage problems, corking and tearing of muscles, torn ligaments and
Psychological conditions:
such as depression, phobias, emotional disturbances, anxiety, nervousness and addictions such as smoking.
Chinese Herbal Medicine:
Herbal medicine, one of the oldest known form of health care in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It uses plants, mineral, and plant extracts to treat disease and promote wellness. Most treatment in herbal medicine uses a mixture of herbal formulae, sometimes a single herb can be used in a simple condition. Today, since the development of technology in chemical purification, herbal extractions are often used in treatment, instead of using raw herbals to make a decoction.
Chinese Herbal Medicine mixture, unlike conventional drugs, is a single, active chemical substance, focus on restoring balance, enhance body defensive system, and harmonize body’s inner environment. Proper arranged herbal formulae will consider every aspects of the body, not only has excellent medical effect, also very mild side effects even if taken long term.
In our clinic, we use herbal powders, pills, and herbal granule for our clients. Our remedies are dissolved with boiled water, which makes taking herbal medicine more easy and convenient.
Indication for Herbal Medicine:
- Insomnia and fatigue
- Loss of appetite and common digestive disorders
- Constipation and diarrhoea
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Common cold and influenza
- Chronic headaches
- Skin disorders
- Fluid retention
- Anxiety, depression and stress
- Allergies
- Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis
- Premenstrual syndrome and painful menstruation
- Excessive menstruation
- Infertility
- Impotence and prostate disorders
- Disorders associated with menopause